The evolution away from traditional fossil fuels and into more sustainable renewable energy production has been rapid and continues to grow at a significant rate as awareness and technology changes. In fact it is widely reported that the UK is decarbonising at the quickest rate of any of the G20 nations.
However, as with any sector that grows so quickly though, there are a number of challenges that have also evolved and can potentially create unintended knock on consequences. New sectors and new technology take a while to be fully understood by insurance companies as actuarial data takes decades to build up, so volatility can be seen in providing products and capacity to take on risk.
There is also a huge variation of quality of the infrastructure as investment comes quickly and mistakes in the planning design and construct phases can have significant operational and therefore insurance related impacts.
High quality operators, require high quality advice and access to trusted markets – or they will find themselves short of options as the sector has not yet developed fully, and insurance companies are rightfully cautious. Don’t let the lowest denominator affect your business – choose a specialist who can separate you from the mass market problems, and find solutions that reflect your quality and your approach.